ADK Fragrance Farm Blog

How to Make Chaga Soap – A Chaga Mushroom Soap Recipe From Farm To Factory

Lifestyles – 42

Chaga Mushroom Soap Recipe

Chaga is a wonderful addition to cold process soap. It offers soothing  anti-inflammatory benefits to anyone suffering from common skin conditions such as acne, allergic reactions, bug bites, rashes , dermatitis, psoriasis, itching, rosacea, and  eczema. Read more to learn how to make Chaga soap, a Chaga soap recipe and find out about the benefits of Chaga Soap.

A Rad Chaga Soap Recipe and Chaga Soap Ingredients

Sodium hydroxide ( Lye ) 2.8 oz
Chaga Tea6.4 oz
Canola Oil7.3 oz
Coconut oil8.3 oz
High oleic Sunflower Oil3.5 oz

Learn about harvesting wild Chaga, making Chaga Extract Tea and Chaga Soap making process below

Harvesting Chaga Mushroom for Bar Soap

… To Learn more read this Article by Birch Boys Chaga about how to harvest natural Chaga for Soap

Birch Boys is a growing tea and coffee manufacturing business located in Tupper Lake NY. Their mission is to make “chaga” a household name.

What is Chaga? 

Chaga is a parasitic mushroom that draws the life out of birch trees. Over time, it stores the trees’ beneficial minerals and compounds into a super-concentrated conk that bursts out of the tree trunk. Due to its life cycle, chaga contains more antioxidants than ANY substance on Earth! In fact, it contains 1,360 times more antioxidants than blueberries, and 45 times more than açaí berries. By brewing chaga in hot water, its medicinal benefits become bio-available. We forage for all of our chaga ourselves in New York’s Adirondack Mountains. Please, help us ensure that the world’s most potent holistic marvel gets the long-overdue recognition it deserves!

Birch Boys Founder Garret Kopp quote: 
“After accidentally drinking a magical mushroom tea I found in my grandmother’s refrigerator, my 15-year old self became possessed. Not by hallucinations or anything psychedelic… chaga works a very different kind of magic. I became possessed with a mission to teach everyone about this fascinating mushroom.”

Founder Quote about ADK Fragrance Farm:
I met Sandy Maine at a vendor event at Clarkson University. Immediately, I was greeted with free samples of her products, and she even made an order of my loose tea to stock in her store! We continued to cross each other’s paths over the next few months at local trade shows and entrepreneurial events at my University. Eventually, we ended up collaborating to produce our entire Chaga skincare line, as well as ADK Fragrance Farm’s Chaga Soap! She is a true mentor, friend, and altruist! 

Learn How To Make Chaga Soap

First step:  Watch  3 minute you tube video on how to make cold process soap.  

This formula was developed by Sandy Maine owner of Adirondack Fragrance and Flavor Farm. It was inspired by the work of Adirondack naturalist and entrepreneur Garret Knopf owner of  Birch Boys in Tupper Lake N.Y. which is where we source all of our chaga and other mushroom powders from. www.birchboys.com

Chaga Soap Recipe

Please note: The video on soap making  will show a slightly different recipe of oils and measurements. To make Chaga Soap use the recipe below but refer to the video for method.

Chaga Mushroom Soap Mixture

Mix lye into COLD chaga tea in a plastic or glass pour bowl. Use all safety pre cautions as mentioned in video.

Sodium hydroxide ( Lye ) 2.8 oz
Chaga Tea6.4 oz

How to Make Chaga Tea for Chaga Soap

To make Chaga tea use 7 oz of boiling water and add  .15 oz (3 teaspoons) of chaga powder and steep for 10 minutes. Cool to room temperature before adding lye.

Mix Oils and add Lye

Mix the following oils together in a separate stainless steel kettle with wooden silicone or stainless slotted spoon. IMPORTANT SAFETY TIP Do not use aluminum kettle or spoon as the lye will react with the aluminum !

Canola Oil7.3 oz
Coconut oil8.3 oz
High oleic Sunflower Oil3.5 oz

Bring both the lye solution and the oils mixture to 97 degrees F. When both are at 97  stir a steady slow stream of lye into the oils. Once all the lye/ chaga tea mixture is incorporated into the oils, add  .15 oz of powdered chaga and continue to stir.

Stir for 2 more minutes and then pour soap mixture into a greased silicone or plastic mold. Cover and keep warm  in a small Styrofoam or insulated cooler overnight.

The soap will be soft in the morning but you can take it out of the cooler and allow it to set for one more day before un molding and cutting it into bars. After cut into bars allow the soap to air dry for 7 -10 days before using.

Enjoy this Farm-To-Factory Creation?

Learn about other farm to factory products like our milkweed flower perfume

Chaga skin cream blog suggestion

1 Write about the first interaction with the “birch boys”. (your side of view)
2 How Chaga skin care product come into being
3 How chaga skin care products are made
4 What is chaga mushroom and How chaga is beneficial for different skin types
5 Different type of Chaga skin care product available
7 Provide a link to an article related to “chaga benefits”
8 Use the keywords “chaga mushroom”,”chaga extract”, “natural skin care products”, “chaga skin cream” “chaga mushroom benefits”, “Medicinal Mushrooms”
9 Divide the blog into multiple sections using H2 tags
10 Use “Chaga Mushroom Skin Cream” as h1
11 Provide internal link to “chaga soap” product. Try to create a banner for it in the blog