
Wrapped Soaps


显示 12 个结果,共 20 个结果

2oz 布包节日香皂 6 件套

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使用我们的 6 件装假日香皂,放松身心,重焕活力。我们的冷加工低温配方可最大程度发挥精油功效,而我们的奢华精油和乳木果油……

香脂雪松布包裹香皂 2 盎司

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使用我们 2 盎司姜饼布包裹的香皂,尽情享受这个季节的纯粹魔力——这是一种节日喜悦,完全由大自然最优质的原料制成……

香脂薰衣草布包香皂 2 盎司

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使用我们 2 盎司的香脂薰衣草布包裹香皂,尽情享受这个季节的纯粹魔力——这是一种完全由大自然精制而成的节日佳品……

香脂香皂 4 盎司包装

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Balsam Soap Bars are earthy scented with 100% essential oil, and are handmade using a time-honored cold process soapmaking method and pure plant-based ingredients. The…

桦木香皂 4 盎司包装

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Birch Soap Bars are warmly scented with sweet birch essential oil, and are handmade using a time-honored cold process soapmaking method and pure plant-based ingredients.…

雪松香皂 4 盎司包装

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雪松皂是治疗痤疮和舒缓问题肌肤的秘方。Kettle Made 小批量冷制皂。100% 纯素天然成分,从农场到工厂,…

桦树茸香皂 4 盎司(包装)

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蔓越莓玫瑰香皂 4 盎司包装

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Cranberry Rose Soap is handmade from start to finish. Inspired by the Adirondacks, the Cranberry cold process soap is made with saponified oils of olive,…

茴香薄荷香皂 4 盎司包装

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姜饼布包裹香皂 2 盎司

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使用我们 2 盎司姜饼布包裹的香皂,尽情享受这个季节的纯粹魔力——这是一种节日喜悦,完全由大自然最优质的原料制成……

山羊奶香皂 4 盎司包装

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Goats Milk soap is perfect for all skin types and is most ideal for sensitive skin!…

薰衣草香皂 4 盎司包装

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